Homemade Winter: Cold Stratification
Around the Grounds with Bennett I Homemade Winter: Cold Stratification Written by: Bennett Dowling, 577 Organic Landscape Horticulturist As the days grow shorter and colder and the plants in the garden begin going dormant, it is the time of year for seed gathering. ...
A Slight Mess
Around the Grounds with Bennett: A Slight Mess Written by Bennett O Dowling, 577 Organic Landscape Horticulturist With the arrival of frosts, our perennial gardens are beginning to go dormant for the winter. Now comes the question of whether to clean up the garden or...
Botanical Eco-Print: Flower Pounding
Around the Grounds with Bennett O Dowling, 577 Organic Landscape Horticulturist Nature blesses us with incredible colors as the growing season progresses, from the cheerful stained glass faces of spring pansies to the jewel tones of late summer cosmos and the fiery...