Gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for plants and nature with a variety of classes covering topics such as rain barrels, seed collecting, foraging, beekeeping, citizen science, and more. Or learn how to beautify your own home garden using organic and sustainable methods – just like 577! Monthly classes on topics such as how to grow a garden, planting for pollinators, tree care, permaculture, and more are taught by passionate community instructors, local partners, and 577 horticulture staff. Class topics vary each month and are taught in the Geodesic Dome, Virginia’s House, Cottage, and around the beautiful gardens and grounds of 577.
Upcoming Classes
April classes open on Wednesday, February 26, at 9am. Click HERE to view a full list of upcoming classes.

Creating a Tabletop Terrarium
Tuesday, February 4 ~ 6pm to 8pm
Saturday, March 15 ~ 1pm to 3pm
Make your very own “forest in a bottle” ~ a charming terrarium that will be soothing to look at and calming to create. Participants will learn how to best set up a glass container for their chosen plants and enjoy personalizing it for their taste. The proper materials, placement, and plant selection will all be covered to ensure a successful and sustainable growing environment.
Come prepared to get your hands a little dirty and leave with an oasis in a jar to help chase away the winter blues. All supplies are included. Glass containers will vary in style and size, and will hold approximately one – two gallons. Participants are welcome to bring a clear glass container from home, so long as it’s in the same size range.
577 Staff Instructor: Bennett Dowling

Basket Making: Open-Weave Yarn Basket
Friday, February 14 ~ 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Friday, February 21 ~ 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Learn a basic twining technique to weave an open, flexible basket out of #1 round reed. This versatile basket is perfect for storing yarn or displaying lightweight materials when hung from a hook or nail.
During this 4-hour class, most participants will finish their baskets, but if time runs short, you’ll leave with all the materials and know-how needed to complete your project at home. The finished basket measures approximately 1 foot high by 10 inches wide — a beautiful and functional addition to any space.
577 Staff Instructor: Samantha Day

Family Winter Seed Starting: Ages 7 to 17 w/ Adult
Saturday, February 15 ~ 10am to 12pm
Beat the winter blues with your family and together get a jump start on your garden! Winter sowing is a unique planting method that involves starting seeds outdoors during the winter months, rather than in a greenhouse or indoors. Using simple, recycled containers, the seeds will naturally germinate when conditions are right, and they’ll already be acclimated to your local climate.
This method is known to have a germination success rate of over 90%! Each family will prepare and take home three (3) containers, along with seeds, potting soil, a trowel, detailed instructions, and labels for easy identification. Class Note: Gardening gloves are optional, but feel free to bring your own if desired.
Each registration is for one (1) youth between the ages of 7 to 17, with an accompanying adult 18 years old and older. Due to the small class size, only one adult may accompany the youth registered.
Community Instructor: Sherry Kertesz

Beekeeping 101
Saturday, February 22 ~ 10am to 1pm
Come curious and ready to dive in as you learn the fundamentals of beekeeping. In this hands-on class, you’ll discover beekeeping best practices, from essential equipment and sourcing your bees to understanding hive anatomy, setup, and much more.
Participants will also have the unique opportunity to harvest honey directly from a hive on the grounds at 577. By the end of the class, you’ll have a solid foundation in beekeeping and the confidence to start your own beekeeping journey. Come dressed for the weather as part of the class will take place outdoors.
Important Class Note: Completion of the 577 “Honeybees 101” class is required to participate.
Community Instructor: Sara Grunberg

Planning Your 2025 Garden
Monday, March 3 ~ 6pm to 8pm
March is the perfect month to plan a garden, especially if you wish to preserve your harvest later in the season. Participants will sample delicious, canned items and learn the many aspects of growing a successful canning garden: timelines for starting up and harvesting, starting seeds versus purchasing plants, garden location, best practices for water containment and composting, and much more.
Each participant will receive a handout on seed-saving techniques to help ensure canning favorites will flourish year after year. To inspire participants interested in homesteading, the instructors will showcase some of their favorite preserved bounties and share simple approaches for extending the lifetime of produce.
Community Instructors: Jan Szalkowski and Wendy Steusloff

The Resilient Homestead Gardening Workshop
Monday, March 10 ~ 6pm to 9pm
Saturday, March 15 ~ 2pm to 5pm
This three-hour workshop is designed for any vegetable gardener interested in creating a food garden that can support their sense of resiliency in good and hard times. Learn how to incorporate staple crops, perennial edibles, mushrooms, and landrace gardening philosophy to meet your goals, all while integrating beauty and practicality.
Questions are welcome throughout class, and we’ll set aside some time to address the specific needs of each person’s garden. Participants will receive a few seeds of 3 to 4 staple crops Samantha selected for resilience at 577.
Class Note: Weather permitting, we will take a walk through the 577 gardens to explore some of the strategies discussed. Please dress appropriately for the weather.
577 Staff Instructor: Samantha Day

Honeybees 101
Saturday, March 22 ~ 10am to 11:30am
Explore the fascinating and complex world of honeybees, from their behaviors to their importance in nature. Whether you are toying with the idea of beekeeping, looking for simple ways you can help our local bee population, or just love Apis mellifera, participants will gain a better understanding of these amazing and vital creatures.
Learn about the diverse and interconnected workings of a honeybee hive, explore the lifecycle and jobs of bees, see what a year of natural beekeeping looks like, and leave inspired and ready to support bees in big and small ways.
Class Note: This class is a prerequisite for the upcoming Beekeeping 101 sessions at 577. Spring date(s) coming soon.
Community Instructor: Sara Grunberg
Class Locations & Parking Map
Signed up for a class and need help finding your classroom location and parking? Each class description lists its location. Click the button below to view a full map of the grounds and buildings with two lots available for easy and convenient parking.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Because space is limited, we rely on you to register for classes thoughtfully. Please help us continue to offer these wonderful classes as affordably as possible by adhering to the following registration, cancellation, and refund policies.
Photo & Video Release
Photos and videos may be taken during 577 classes and events for use on our website and other relevant media outlets and your attendance constitutes consent. View the full policy below including how you can opt-out of this release.