Community Instructor Spotlight: Ellen Seeburger

Jan 13, 2023 | Classes & Events

Say Hello to Ellen!

Ellen Seeburger is a fiber artist who enjoys weaving, embroidery, and fabric printing. She studied textiles at a traditional folk school in Sweden and has taught fiber art and craft classes for many years in a variety of settings. Her focus as a teacher is on creating a positive and supportive environment for students to learn and connect with others. In her classes, Ellen hopes to share the joy of creating and using handmade items in our everyday lives. She especially likes to work with natural materials, and growing up on a farm with sheep, she learned to love working with fibers at a young age. 

When not in her studio weaving, she can be found with a good book or spending time outdoors gardening, which is a favorite source of inspiration for both her fiber art and classes at 577.

Ellen would love to share her passion for exploring textiles with you in her February class ~ Design a Block Print Tote Bag

In this workshop on Saturday, February 25 from 2pm to 4pm, students will explore the technique of block printing by designing a tote bag. The class will cover the entire process from start to finish, beginning with drawing and carving a stamp block and learning ways to apply the stamp in a repeat pattern on a tote bag. Students will leave with a printed tote bag, additional printed fabric samples, reusable stamp, and ideas to keep printing at home. All materials included.

Click HERE to learn more about this class and to register. A waitlist is available if the class is full.

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